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Results for "submediums: Practices - Spiritual Practice,Practices - Spiritual Practice of the Day, tradition: Buddhism - Insight Meditation"
Conjure Up a Smile A way to make the world a more joyful place.
Praising Others A kindness practice based on sincerity.
Letting People Off the Hook Releasing resentment and negativity.
Inner Peace Remembering that only you can destroy your peace.
I Couldn't Be Better Realizing that if we could act better, we would.
Intentional Emailing Practices to do before clicking the send button.
Mental Strength Phrases to remind yourself that you can do it.
Lovingkindness Caring for others, free from conditions
Greeting Others with Namaste Honoring the divine in others with this greeting.
Finding Peace by Speaking Less A fresh look at not gossiping.